Monday, September 28, 2009

Twisted Cherry Designs Exclusive Chipboard Bra Album

Are you read to Pimp Your Bra???

Twisted Cherry Designs, a unique company to Serendipity Scrapbooks, has made these EXCLUSIVE albums for us!

50% of the sales from each bra album from Sept. 24th-Oct. 31st will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Organization. And don't forget to mark your calendars for October 16-18th for the Crop. We will be showing off our altered bras and raising money for Breast Cancer Awareness!

don't forget we have a TON of sponsors for TONS of give-a-ways!!! and Queen of the Crop gets to pick a past kit of their choice!!!

Jogger Bra

Racerback Bra

Full Cup Bra

Here is a sneak from one of my DT projects for October just in case you were curious to see how FABULOUS these kits are....


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness such a clever idea so cute!

mustangkayla said...

Those bra albums are a such a hoot! Fun sneak peek!

Lisa said...

Love, love, love these albums! Can't wait to "pimp" one up! I think I'll be using one to create an album honoring the "support" we get from our girlfriends!

Melonie said...

Super cute!

Wendy Kwok said...

Wow... that bra album is sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Those bras are cool. I must remember to get some!! I'd love to pimp a bra baby!!!

Lisa Dorsey said...

Those bra albums are so cool!!! Love your sneak too. Can't wait to see the whole project!

laterg8r said...

totally fun bras!

love your sneak, can't wait for the rest of it :D

Staci Taylor said...

oh wow, what a great cause! such cool, unique albums, too!

Drea said...

I LOVE those albums my dear! I will for sure come to the crop. My Mom is a Breast Cancer Survivor!

Nathalie Kalbach said...

what a fun idea- I love this!!!!

Michelle H. said...

Those bras are so cute!! What an unique crop to have and for all 50%of the sales to go toward an excellent cause!! I'm hoping to be at the crop? We actually might be out of town now. I had fun at the chat! Learned a lot of fun ideas what to use to ditress and emboss the cardstock!
Hope your having a good week!

Andrea Amu said...

Those bra albums are sure unique! Hmmm, are you fillin' up a bra, Ellen? Lol!

Hey, do you wanna go to the crop on October 9th at Scrapbook Lady?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I ordered 3 of those bra albums and put your name in the comments on my order to give you credit!! Can't wait to get them and make 'em purdy!!