Friday, September 06, 2013

If you "mustache"....

Hi Everyone!
Not sure if you noticed but I changed the name of my blog so you will need to "re"follow me now. I figured now was as good a time as any because I was slacking for blogging for so long but I am getting back on the horse now. 

So if I am blogging that means I am FINALLY getting creative again! With henry starting Kindergarden (sniff sniff) this year I am finding more time to get my swerve on ;)

First up is this frame I made with TONs of Core...Tim Holtz Kraft Core, Black Magic, & JBS Core Amour (sand the white finish and the red stars come through). I love love this photo of Brian's Uncle and Owen sportin' the 'staches! We found this vending machine when we were our there visiting in AR over Easter that dispensed mustaches for a quarter! What?!!??!  Needless to say a few dollars later we all had them. The blonde ones, like owen's, were the best, LOL. Of course, Uncle Dave has his own ;)

I used my Silhouette, too! Wooot woooot! Who doesn't need a mustache cut file?



Connie Mercer said...

looks fantastic Ellen!!!

Sherry C said...

Adorable! So happy you're getting back to scrapping!

Andrea Amu said...

That's so fun, Ellen!
Glad to see you gettin' yo swerve on again! Me too! ;)

Audrey Pettit said...

Haha, too cute, Ellen! And what a fun story...a vending machine with mustaches! LOVE your frame. That core paper with the stars is really cool. And I love how you did the title, too. And how stinkin' cute is that mustache on a popsicle stick? :)
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! It was great to hear from you!!