Thursday, April 16, 2009


chips and dip...why are they so good? and why do i like to eat them at night? so, as i am typing this, i am getTing ready to go take a run. it is GORGEOUS here!

i love my BTA! do you? I use it so much. and this time i used it with the Teresa Collins premade boards that I got at HSS. This is for my dear friend Sarah {soon to be Sarah Lee, how cute is that}. she is getting married this weekend and she is a poet. and an amazing one. she has been through so much and for her to find this kind of happiness, makes my heart happy.

and an april wedding for a poet deserves some serious inspiration. here's to a lifetime of happiness, Sarah!

i raised the flowers on the frong cover with some pop-up dots.

i added some tabs to the papers along the side so she can make different sections.

and Glimmer Mists!

i made a little book to go with it that she might be able to carry with her in her purse.



Nicole said...

Ellen, I just love this!

I'm a lover of chips and dip too, unfortunately! LOL!

Lisa said...

She should love this! Just as you said, perfect for a poet! Hope you had a good run! I'm still rooting for you to conquer that 5k race. :)

Laura said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You sure do beautiful work!

AbbieTorroll said...

aww those are so pretty!!! you did a great job with them, I am sure she will love em!

Lisa said...

Would you STOP! I can't get any work done for laughing at your hilarious comments! That last one had me thinkig fast on my feet as I just LIED my butt off to my boss as to what was making me laugh! You are AW-RIGHT!!! And thanks for not telling all the world about my big RAK...oh yeah, I already did that! LMAO!!!!

Elizabeth said...

Ellen I love the work you did for your friend Sarah, she is going to love it!!

Hope your weekend is blessed!

VAWM said...

Ellen, this is seriously beautiful! Just got my issue of CARD Trends and saw your graduation card! WAY TO GO!!!!!

Anabelle O'Malley said...

What an amazing gift for your friend. She's going to love it. As for chips and dip..hmmmmm...they are evil!!

mustangkayla said...

Beautiful work Ellen!

Brandy said...

oooh, that key is so awesome!! love your stuff always

Danielle Flanders said...

how sweet! love this!

Staci Taylor said...

Oooh, that is totally gorgeous! I don't have a Bind it all but i totally want one!

MelB said...

Hi Ellen! Love the album. Glad I found your blog, love your work!

Melonie said...

So pretty Ellen! Love that big pink ribbon!

Lisa said...

Me a third time...yes, I stalk you! Are you scared? If not, you should be! lol! I just realized I have not yet thanked you for the link to my give away. You really are a sweetheart. Yeah, I can see straight through ya and I know you are a doll! Hope you have a fantastic week! HUGS!!!

Kathie said...

I really love that little book!! Great job. Love the flowers too!! Here in Australia we are going into Autum, pretty time with the leaves all falling and late blooming flowers, but its starting to get chilly at night and the mornings are quite fresh!!
See you soon
Ps Have a mammoth RAK running on my blog at the moment, if you get a chance, check it out too!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

this is lovely!!

Lucy Edson said...

What a lovely wedding gift!! I am sure she will love it!