Wednesday, March 28, 2007

check out these cool cut-outs i did with Maggie Lamarre's new spring freebie kit! you can find it at the Dragonflaire link to the right!

love these flowers!!!!! i added some doodling and vintage buttons and wamo! done!
ps...that is her paisley paper i printed out too!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Ok so this is the 3rd time i am trying this post, keep getting a wacked out error that is not making me happy.

The little things...that is what today is about for me...i am trying to think of the little things in my life that make me are a few pics of them...
i love getting my ribbon this way, lol...i do i do i do!
and the fun paper on the right is from my girl Lacintha, met her over at Scrapgalaxy and her blog is so fun...she gave me an awesome RAK and this is the paper she wrapped it in, and of course, i saved it!
it is so super warm here right now...gonna be 72 on thursday! time to get my garden gloves out! can't wait!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

one of my new favorite things in the whole wide world are zingboom kits...if you have not seen one and do not have your hands on one than your life is not complete...

lol, okay that was pretty dramatic but wowzers!!! do i love them, i also stalk the blog and everyone else's that is linked and so on...
the papers are sooo cool and of course kickin' vintage stuff and screen prints!!! oh by the way...this photo is my name for my birthday on the screen my name is there!!! at citizen's bank park in philly for my 26th birthday!!! I am going to link it to the right eventually!

here is my first lo with a zingboom kit....of course i had to put some copper cardstock in fav!

Monday, March 19, 2007

check out my blue monkey!

jk...owen loves to pose for photos...totally cracks me up b/c then he needs to see it right away...what has digital done to us? remember how excited we used to be when we would get a roll of film back? oh gosh, i totally remember when we would in college and we were all fighting over them..."let me see, let me see"! Oh and the best was, "Ah, i don't remember taking doing that?" Oh no, no...the best was..."Don't show my mom!"

Seriously when my little man poses...i tell him to look over there and he does but then looks back at the camera before i get the photo off...what a riot. love him to pieces more and more every day.

Friday, March 16, 2007

I went to see my girls this weekend and we totally had a blast. I ran into someone I haven't seen in years as well and it was so great to see them. Did you ever have someone in your life where no matter how long it has been, you can pick up right where you left off? Relationships like that are one in a million. I just hope I get to keep in contact with them forever.

Owen was telling me yesterday about how a butterfly used to be a catepillar. He explained the entire process to me, as a 3 1/2 year would, and it was just the cutest thing ever. I love seeing the world through his eyes, so simple and amazing at the same time. I need to look at things like this more often.

He is soooo like the catepillar right now...metamorphasizing right before my eyes...nothing you can do...just nature taking its course that one day he will spread his wings and fly. As a mother I am pretty sure that is what we all hope for and dread the most!

My little man! The photo I uploaded is a photo that we took together last summer. We have butterfly bushes all over our yard, and man do they attract butterflies!!!! When we pull into the drive way he just yells, "mom, mom~~~look, look!" as they all fly away. Then we sit on the front porch or work in the garden and they come back when they realize we aren't going to hurt them.

Everyone should have one of those bushes...they are super cheap, don't need any water, like direct sun and of course, are gorgeous.

Okay...enough of my ramblings for one day....

I have a ticker on the site and see lots of traffic...please leave a comment that you came to visit! I go visiting too!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Look what Maggie over at DragonFlaire designs has cooked up for YOU to play with! YES! I said you!!!
Visit for more detail!!! to right...
Don't you just love the paisley?!?!?!?! Reminds me of a summer dress...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

look what i found yesterday??????? in our front yard! yeah!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Guess what! I contacted Jenn at BamPop about the stuff I made below and she wants to use them in her gallery! How cool is that! I am super to work with her stuff a little bit more...teeheehee!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

okay!!!!!!!!!!!!! who cannot get enough of BamPop?????????? That would be me! me! me!

I think I need to order more...just got the letter stamps and they are super fun in addition to the pack of pp I have. Also ordered the bird stamps and love them....cannot wait to play with them.

Here are some things I created with them. Working on a piece of altered art for owen's room now!
Check out they sell Bampop over there and super fast shipping and awesome customer service!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

This month I am guest designing over at Savvy N Sassy (link to right)so please come take a look at all the great stuff over there!

It is a ribbon site so I posted my challenge to Ruche! Yes, ruche your ribbon just like in the big fashion mags! There are so many links to scrapbooking and fashion design that I thought it would be fun to do something like that.

Ruche, pronounced "roosh", is just gathering your ribbon and sewing is popping up all over scrapbooking, normally just called "gathering your ribbon" lol! but I thought it would be fun to make it fancy!

check out that great ribbon i get to work with ...Pastel Punch! yummy!