Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's Day cards

Happy Saturday!  It feels so good to be back to creating these days. I even made some FATHER'S DAY cards! I never am on time with this kind of thing so I am pretty stoked, LOL!

They were up on the Core Blog this week to so check them out HERE.

 I was inspired this week by two different things.
First up, I was working with some Couture Creations dies and after my cut I realized unfortunately that my sandwich was wrong. So it didn't cut all the way through. That happens to me from time to time and I just put them in my recycle bin. WEll not this this time! I thought...I can do something with that...and I did! You have to check out their Doily dies..they are AWESOME! And versatile....
There was no way I could cut this with craft knife because it was too detailed so I grabbed my Sand it Gadget and I sanded and sanded and sanded a bit more and the "etched" image created starts to pop off the card.  It's subtle but I think it works AND I saved some scraps ;)

I hope you can see person it looks really cool. Subtle looks almost like patterned paper. Just added some May Arts burlap string.

And next up I was in my inbox and the daily RSS feed from Scrapbook & Cards Today was there and I found this treat: Folded Shirt Card for Father's Day!
Aly Dosdal from the WRMK Design Team originally did the video so I had to try it out because I just KNEW that Core w0uld be awesome with this tutorial. I used Core Essentials for the shirt, Chocolate Box for the tie and background and a David Tutera Celebrate card for the base. I cannot get enough of these square cards!   For the original video check out the WRMK blog .
I gotta tell you...I did it on the FIRST try so it wasn't that hard. You will need your Scor-Pal or scoring tool of some sort.
And  here is the inside of the card. You can open it up and put something in there.



BabyBokChoy said...

cool father's day cards!!

wendipooh13 said...

totally LOVIN the shirt card!!!

Andrea Amu said...

These cards were really cute! Loved them on the Core blog!

Sherry C said...

Cute cards!