Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tonight is the night for the Webster's Pages chat over at Serendipity! Be there or be square!

Also, we have been posting away over at Forward Progress, not long 'til our first prompt!

Can we please talk about polkas? my favorite? i wish creative cafe would just send some of these my way!?

Just wanted to share a lo i did a few weeks ago for a challenge over at Simply Obsessed to stitch on your layout by hand. This must be a fave of mine! I broke out the circle punch and lemme tell you, i haven't put it away yet! and i am diggin' the coredinations papers, they are fun! and i love this blue color i got my hands on, different than i normally use. {sigh} my little henry...cuteness!

hope to see you at the chat! and sorry for being all over the place tonight, lol! that is how the brain works sometimes, at least for me!


Anonymous said...

Loving that page with all the apples.

Alecia Wolfford said...

Soooo super cute, love all the circles and the stitching is awesome!!

Drea said...

Dear Lord in Heaven!! Look at that kid!!

I'm in LOVE with him and this layout!!

Great job!

Hey.............I see that I made the list! LOL!!!

Melonie said...

That LO is so super cute! Henry is getting so big. Love your stitches. Have a super weekend.

Staci Taylor said...

Your stitching on this LO is such a nice touch, and I love all the circles! What a cutie he is!!