Monday, July 25, 2011

October Afternoon Building Block

Got some Scrappy time done this weekend. 
Andrea and Joyce came over and I actually got a bunch done :):):)

One thing I worked on is this layout using the OA Building Blog sketch.

When I came across this photo and thought about our family's love of reading, I thought...
why not use these papers?!?! They are just for boys ;)  When you have two boys and a lot of boy themed tend to think outside the box with them, LOL!

When I started with the Building Block, I really went with the idea of the sketch as just that...a starting point...

I thought the large image would help balance the photo along the very top of the page. I see
this design a lot but sometimes, when I try it, it seems top heave and this seems more balanced for me.

And to "girl it up" I added some tulle ;)

Click on the image to make it larger....



BabyBokChoy said...

LOVE this one, awesome use of those papers!

Unknown said...

Love this! Great take on these papers!

Rebecca Keppel said...

Awesome design and love the colors too.

Aubree said...

Fantastic layout!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhh this is just awesome!! LOVING that circle! :):):):):):):):):)

Pearl said...

You make it look so easy using the OA , Ellen !

I can hardly do that ! lol

Kim said...

totally love the design Ellen, that large circle looks awesome, I love that gorgeous photo too!

Lydia said...

Love this ellen, that OA paper is cut just right to draw you eye to the photo!! Great job gal!!

Anonymous said...

Love your layout and the colors just pop!

Andrea Amu said...

This is wonderful... and nice photo to have captured of your mom too. Love the use of the OA paper and stickers along with that touch of tulle!

Melonie said...

Great design Ellen! Love it!

@JoyceCasaldi said...

Awww, what a nice page of your Momma!

How do you make your pics clickable so they get bigger?

scrapbookertink said...

Such a cool blog, loving it.