Wednesday, June 24, 2009

how could i forget!?

I just wanted to share a layout I did for Memory Makers Magazine. I have to tell you, handing the extra copy that they send you to owen's friend's parents {his two buddies in the photo} was the best feeling. We saw them at owen's kindergarten graduation and their grandparents were there too and their faces lit up.

The boys were like, "we're in a magazine! we're in a magazine!". It made me realize why I love scrapbooking so much. I was glad they didn't ask me for the layout! lol, jk ;)

I used some of my favorite Fancy Pants Paper for this one & lots of other misc. goodies.


Jocelyn said...

What an awesome LO and congrats on the publication!!!! I just wanted to thank you soooo much for the comment that you left me in regard to Gavin!!! It is so wonderful to have friends reach out to you in tough times!!! I so wanted to play along with your Challenge on Forward Progress....I need to find a few minutes to sit down and create!!! Once again, thank you!!! :)

Lisa said...

Well, now! How COULD you forget? LOL! Love this layout you talented lady! And the pics are way too cute! Can I call boys cute?

vtpuggirl said...

Seriously cute layout! Congrats on the publication!

Wendy Kwok said...

hi, I am back! And I saw your GDT work on Webster Pages. Awesome!!! Congrats

Michelle H. said...

Wow, Ellen this rocks!! Love the stamped words on the LO so clever!!
A Big congrats on the publications, that is just so awesome and well deserved!!
Love seeing all your scrappy projects!!
Have a great weekend!!

melissa :) said...

great layout... and a great way to make somebody's day!! :D

Melanie H said...

Congratulations on your publication Ellen, what a wonderful way to celebrate their friendship.

This layout is stunning.

Lisa said...

Just discovered your blog and I LOVE it! Adding it to my Google Reader.

Andrea Amu said...

I loved your page in MM! I'm sur the guys were excited! That's awesome. :)

Tricia Wilson said...

Awesome Ellen! Congrats on the pub and showing some non-scrapper's what it's all about. You rock girl!!!!!!