Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Guest Designer over at....

Webster's Pages!

I fell in love with Websters awhile back when I got a kit with their first set of papers they released. I think I have owned and used almost everything else they have released since then! I got to work with Terri over at Serendipity Scrapbooks {who is featuring Websters, again, in July} and when she emailed me and asked me to be a guest designer, I could not have been more excited. I love hanging out over at InspireMe. The inspiration is amazing. Here is a link to my gallery. the first 6 are the ones I did with the new Sweet as Cherry Pie

I did a bunch of projects but I wanted to share this one with you first since I was so excited to finally make these wings. When I saw the vellum in my {hugely awesome} package of goodies, I knew I wanted to make these. I was inspired by this book, Taking Flight; Give Your Creative Spirit Wings, written byKelly Rae Roberts . It is loaded with cool projects! a HUGE thanks to my mom for giving it to me for my birthday last month. 

First you need to make the shape of the wings out of wire. I used 20 guage so it is flexible yet pretty sturdy. Bend them to the desired shape....

and then add a layer of modgepodge to the back of the vellum {you gotta be fast b/c it may curl on you} and then place the wire on the glue.

add a bit more modgepodge over the wire...

and then add a layer of tissue paper. you may need to add more modgepodge if certain places don't stick. so keep pressing and adding until you get it the way you like... {why does my hand look like that?! LOL!}

you may need to add some more modgepodge and tissue paper b/c it may tear but that's okay.

now the hard part...letting it dry! it shouldn't take too long. mine was dry in a few hours...
the cut out the shape and you have some wings!


Mara Campbell said...

Super cool wings!! And thanks for the instructions, what a fun project!

Melanie H said...

Congratulations on being guest designer for Webster, Ellen.

Whilst I love their papers, I haven't had the pleasure of working with any yet.

Your project looks stunning Ellen, the wire wings are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Jocelyn said...

First Congrats on being on the GDT!!!! You are wicked talented and I am so happy for you!!!! What a grat idea with making the wings and thanks for showing us!!!!! This looks like a fun project!!!! Wishing you wonderful day :)

Lucy Edson said...

Congrats, girlie!! I was so excited to see your projects at inspireMe!!

LOVE your angel project!! Great idea to use the transparency like that!!

mustangkayla said...

Congrats on GDT! Pretty project!

Nicole said...

Good gosh, those are beautiful!

Congrats re: Websters!

Michelle H. said...

Congrats for the Webster GDT!!
I love that Angel what a clever idea with those wings!! Very creative!! I just received the new line of Webster papers 2 days ago in a kit I ordered! I love that cherry line its just georgeous! I wish I had some time to scrap with it!! Maybe next week!! Hope you have an awesome weekend!!

Latisha said...

This is an amazing project!!
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog

Lisa said...

Hey Pretty Girl! How are ya? Congrats on the GDT! How awesome is THAT! Of course, I'm not surprise they wanted you with all your mad skills. Where on where did you get your kit with all the Websters papers? I have been wanting to get my hands on them and I must admit, I've been slack in tracking them down. I just ordered a kit from ??? (can't remember) that has a few of their papers. Can't wait to get it.
Love the angel project and thanks for the how-to's!

lacintha said...

Love WP, and you rocked it...love love your project...you go with your bad self, Ms E!

Taylorr said...

Oh my gosh tha looks soo cool!
i want to try!

Tricia Wilson said...

Fabulous work my friend, congrats!