Wednesday, August 13, 2008

just checking in from vacation and what a vacation it has been. a memorable one for sure.

the first full day we were here there was a pretty bad ATV accident. owen and greg flipped on the four wheeler down a thirty, or more, foot hill full of big rocks. i think greg saved owen from anything major. they life-flighted greg to Roanoke Hospital b/c he couldn't breathe. He has 3-5 broken ribs and a collapsed lung. He is bruised all over. Owen's face is swollen and bruised. He has 3 stitches on his lip and some derma glue on his upper lip. They he was at 2 hospitals to make sure a spot on his CT scan was not anything major. Some vertabrate didn't look good so they double checked it. His face & upper body were so swollen & bruised he couldn't do anything.

He is fine now, though. LOL! he was jumping off the dock the next day and we were on the boat a few days later. KIDS!

I just feel so bad. I wasn't here when it happened but brian saw the entire thing. We went outside the next day and brian showed me where they fell and my heart sank. I took a pic of it b/c you wouldn't believe me if i told you.

So, all of owen's 5th bday pics will be a memory of this event. But a good one now that we know they are okay!

thanks for letting me write it down, feels good to get if off my chest. Time to move on.

AND some good news. Don't forget the Ali Edwards chat at Serendipity Scrapbooks on AUGUST 19!!!!!


twinsand2boys said...

Oh, how scary. Glad that everyone is ok.

Melonie said...

OMG Ellen! This breaks my heart. I know you must have been beside yourself with fear. BIG (((HUGS))) to Owen and everyone. Please try to enjoy the rest of your week. We miss you and are thinking of you.

Melanie H said...

OMGoodness, what a scary experience for all involved.

Im sending some speedy recovery thoughts to you and yours.

Jenni said...

Oh my GOSH!!!!!!!! I'm so glad everyone is scary! Havea fun filled rest of your vacation...and a safe one too!!! See ya when you get back!

wendy said...

So glad they are ok! Very scary.

Diana said...

Oh man! So scary. I'm glad everyone turned out to be ok but still.....

Unknown said...

OMG that is so scary! I have heard of many horrendous accidents on those things - thank goodness all is ok!

jamie said...

oh my heart sank to hear of the accident. sounds like you are in good spirits and all are on the road to!!!
on another note...thanks for your post. and i just saw that simply obsessed kit is very you dt for them?

TanishaRenee said...

WOW Ellen- I'm glad your guys are OK!!!! It's probably best that you weren't there because then you'd relive that scary moment everytime you looked at them. Hugs to you and you family!

Unknown said...

yikes!! that's horrible!

Kelly said...

Holy crap! I'm so glad all is "well" and nobody was hurt too badly!

Greta Adams said...

OMG GIRL!!!! this is terrible!!
i am glad everyone is ok...