I can't believe I am blogging again!
I couldn't be more excited to be srapbooking and crafting again.
Life is changing a bit for me and I found the urge to get out and make stuff again. Maybe it's a release, maybe it's because I have more time but most of it's because I MISSED IT. Life is short and we have to make time for what we love and I love paper. Always have...always will so it was time to get down and dirty again and it felt GREAT!
This layout is for the CSI Case File no. 128 that Core'dinations is sponsoring so head over there for a chance to win some CORE!
I need to get a handle on my photo editing skills again...you never realize how easy this stuff was and now I'm like, "how did I do that? AND how did I do that so quickly?" But it feels good. So this little number is about H a.k.a Henry and is first day of sub zero baseball LAST YEAR. Yep, I am even more behind on photos then that.
Getting back into the swing of layering is not easy!
And of course banners are still in style!
And last but not least, my newest favorite obsession...these deco photos from Snapfish! EEEEEEEK, I love love them. They are a bit more expensive than traditional photos but to get a few here and there won't break the bank and it's nice for a change. Plus...you can get square ones which I lurve.
Well, that's it for now. Back to work on my other THREE layouts I have started!!! Wooop woooop!