Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hi! PHEW! what a week it has been. I just don't get where the time goes anymore. I did find a new favorite thing though...sleeping in with Henry! haha...we snuggle and it is oh man do we have a snuggler on our hands! But the good thing is, he sleeps on his own too so I am just in shock how amazing he is.

I was really excited to get some layouts done this weekend. I got to work with some really great stuff from HSS! That sharon is so generous. This MOD paper is awesome. I mean the color combo i just, yellow, and blue! Makes me excited for spring!!!

And of course, some Love, Elsie. An oldie but goodie! With a button from Holly Terra, so cute!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Okay, so tell me where the time is going? 8 days? it felt like i was just on here, LOL! well...i have LOTS to share...hmmm...

Well...there is a fun crop happening over at Simply Obsessed. I am new member over there and can't wait to jump in and have some fun. it will be fun to participate more in a crop finally!!!

NEXT...there are some AWESOME mini albums over at Serendipity Scrapbooks. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check these out, they are fabulous. You can order ANY name you want {under 8 characters} AND add a shape to them AND add Greek letters, and ALL sorts of stuff. I mean the possibilities are endless! check out the samples! oh and there is a GAMER one! for all of you with little guys that looove their playstations and Wii's!

okay and FINALLY!!! The fabulous Shannon tagged me on her blog and I have answered these questions. Laci also tagged me so i did hers on here too! Now you know all the crazy things about me!

5 Things you cannot live without under $5:
1. half and half cream for my coffee and coffee!
2. hair ties/clips…all of them!
3. a glass of wine
4. sunglasses (I got my favorite pair at the 1$ Store)
5. patterned paper

5 Favorite movies:
1. Dogma
2. First Wives Club
3. Haven
4. Dead Poets Society
5. Fargo

Baby Names you love (but won't use):
1. Elizabeth
2. Jane
3. Andy
4. Jillian
5. Lauren

1. George
2. Spencer
3. Declan
4. Carter
5. Davis

5 Songs you could listen to over and over again:
1. Romeo and Juliette {indigo girls version}
2. #41, Dave Matthews
3. Not my Hair, India Arie
4. Suddenly I See, KT Tungstall
5. Cupid, Amy Whinehouse

5 People who influenced your life in a positive way:
1. Amber
2. Brian
3. Heidi
4. Dr. Rosell
5. my children

5 things that stay in your purse all the time:
1. wallet
2. cell phone
3. mints/gum
4. lip gloss or chappy
5. sunglasses

5 moments you knew changed you forever:
1. The day our first child was born
2. The day our second child was born
3. The day my best friend died of Luekemia
4. The day I got my MBA
5. Yesterday when I pretty much had relationship
ending fight with my best friend of over 10 years.

5 obsessions you have right now:
1. organizing/purging—we are selling our house!
2. losing weight
3. reading
4. scrapping
5. texting

5 places you would really love to go:
1. Ireland
2. Italy
3. Africa
4. Austrailia
5. Antigua

5 people you would love to see do their top 5:
1. Melonie
2. Wendi
3. Mimi
4. Kim
5. Nessa
6. Kristin
7. Terri
8. Stacey
9. Kristen


Laci's Tag 7 Random Things About Me
1. I can't stand when people smack their food.
2. I am addicted to downloading new ringers for my cell phone.
right now i have amy winehouse.
3. i love to garden.
4. i am a wino.
5. i have 100's of pairs of shoes {i love them all!!!}
6. i am deathly afraid of scary movies {i grew up ELM street!}
7. if my scrubby came home tonite and asked me to move out of the US
i would in a heartbeat.

AND you know me...can't post without some pics! Goodies from Scrapadilly!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bad Bad Blogger! That is me....

well life got in the way this week...the sickness has been going around our house so i am catching sleep whenever i can.

Things have been so crazy and i start work tomorrow already! BLAH! i can't believe it already but it has been a month and i am only doing a couple hours here and there but it still stinks. my families have been calling me asking when i am coming back so i can't keep holding off.

i can't wait to get the go ahead from the dr. to start exercising again! it was so beautiful today, i would have loved to have gone for a run.

Here are some goodies from Serendipity Scrapbooks. The kits are up so make sure you check them out. As usual, Kristen has outdone herself!