Sunday, July 29, 2007

soooooooooooo well....i didn't get my lo pubbed in Canadian Scrapbooker for the summer ScrapJam at Srapbooking Fanatics....but the winning lo was actually my favorite one in the contest by the super talented Michele {twisted soda} so i cannot complain...also i did some of my FAV lo's with that contest so i am pumped!

we are painting this weekend which is tough b/c i have to wear a mask the whole time and my face is a raging hormone field right now and the sweatiness, i am sure, is not helping!

the 'rents came to watch owen while we get work done so that is a huge help...i will post pics of the dining room b/c, well i must say, the stripe work i did is lovely! LOL to is a lo from the scrapfan contest...the challenge was to scrap a childhood memory so i did this lo of my fav book...i bought this immediately when i found out i was pregnant with owen b/c it was my favorite book...just a few months ago when the 'rents moved my mom gave me a box and books and guess what was in it! THAT VERY BOOK {just a tad yellow and stinky but oh well}. i even did the journaling in crayon! LOL

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

wow! so much going on...i cannot believe i forgot to post about the Vicki Boutin chat over at serendipity scrapbooks last night! it was awesome...she is so down to earth and greta hammond stopped by...could you imagine being the BHG team? yeah, right ellen! LMBO!

so some more updates....8-9 there will be a chat over at with July A Shahin with Scrapbook Dimensions~the hybrid magazine. Great mag by the way...if you are looking for something to subscribe too. Then Chrisy Tomlinson will be there on 8-10 so please stop by...some great prizes are always given away! Maggie is super generous! Also there is a cool contest going on right now for an altered tray given by the fabulous Sally Keller!!!!

Also some more good news on the personal front. I am just finishing up my first trimester w/ our second child! Can you believe it? crazy stuff...i have so much to be thankful for right now. Now if we could just find out if we are moving or not?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Friday, July 20, 2007

MORE GOOD NEWS! How good is life right now?????

I made the Serendipity Scrapbooks DT! so was the first online community that i ever joined and really felt like I belonged last December or maybe this January. I think that is what makes it so special.

I looked through my gallery the other day... at some of the first things i posted and what a long way i have come! LOL

thanks for letting me is one of my entries (with my new addictions...buttons and big primas and my tuskineko glue pad)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY i am back on track with my computer. It has been over a month until this got under control and I so happy. Obviously, my blog has been neglected! LOL...
so i have tons of good news! I get to use that blinkie! how cool is that?

AND I got asked to be on Serendipity Scrapbooks DT as well! Yeah...i need to not have a computer more often, LOL!
The layout above is a little bit of what I have been working on of my entries for the ScrapJam over at Scrapping Fanatics!